What are the Dangers of Golf Courses?
The National Health Statistics Report found that Golf is a more dangerous sport than Rugby. More than half the people who answered said they got injuries on a golf course. There are two main concerns with the safety of golf courses: golf balls and heart attacks. Because golf balls are not very heavy, it is the strength they are hit with and therefore the speed that can cause harm. They become dangerous when someone hits a poor shot when the ball goes in the wrong direction or too fast. Since people around may not know, there are risks for them to be in the way and for the ball to hit their head or ribs. A golf ball can break a bone. The second risk, a heart attack. This can happen to older players as they can often stay for many hours under the sun. Heart attacks can sometimes happen with no previous symptoms.
How to take appropriate precautions?
For both dangers, clear signaling and communication can save lives, especially in a large open field. For instance, with golf balls, it is normal to yell the word “Fore” as loud as possible. This alerts as many people around as possible. Although a wrong shot is normal to happen and is not the fault of the player, not warning others is. It is part of a duty of care to prevent harm. A stray ball can result in lawsuits or worse, death. Similarly, playing long hours without hydrating under the sun can cause heart attacks, and sometimes death. Golf Courses are vast, and it can be a question of minutes to save a life.
Why Hazavoid?

Hazavoid understands the importance of providing safety in moments of fear and uncertainty. The Hazavoid Wireless Alarm System delivers clear and loud signals with personalisable voice-overs, to deliver messages like “fore” or “help”. This is the safest way to alert as many as possible, with the click of a button, anywhere and at any time. The Hazavoid Wireless Alert Beacon System displays bright signals to indicate immediate danger in specific locations. They both activate with remote controls, allowing you to always have safety within reach.