What are the Dangers of Golf Weather?
During a game of golf, weather patterns can change dramatically in a very short period of time with very extreme results. It’s called Golf Weather. Different golf weather can have different results. It is easy to believe a sunny day will be enough for a good game. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. On days that are too hot, the risks of a heart attack for older or less healthy people are high. This is often because of long hours spent under the sun and a lack of hydration. Moreover, a partly sunny day can quickly turn into clouds, rain, and into more danger. A lack of awareness can make an inconvenient cloudy weather a life or death situation. It is not rare for lightning to appear with no warning. What can be innocent can quickly turn dangerous on a golf course. Sarah Oldham was a healthy 39-year-old when she died due to cardiac arrest after being struck by lightning on a golf course. A single lightning bolt can contain up to 1 billion volts. The risk is real…
How to take appropriate precautions?
Lightning strikes the tallest objects, it is easy to become a target when swinging an object that conducts electricity. Of course, the priority, in this case, will always be to stop playing and to seek shelter. However, it can be difficult to know where to go and what to do in stressful situations when one might be alone in an open space. Half of the lightning deaths happen after the storm is over. It is essential to have clear communication on when to stop playing, and when one can resume.
Why Hazavoid?

Hazavoid is a wireless evacuation and alert system. The solution allows users to fully personalise their systems, from their number and location to their appearance and signaling. This ensures to create a solution for your specific needs, even in contexts that might change from a regular office building. We can even accommodate “shotgun starts” for course competitions. Both the Hazavoid Wireless Alarm System and the Hazavoid Wireless Alert Beacon System will provide protection and safety in hard-to-reach or difficult environments. Moreover, they are able to work regardless of the weather, with a backup battery and the option to use solar panels. Golf courses may be vast, but so is the reach of our systems. Make sure to meet your duty of care responsibilities. Protect your staff and members from weather-related risks with Hazavoid.