What are the Dangers of a Railroad?
Railroad work is quite dangerous. Collisions, derailments, and malfunctions are all reasons for injuries, or worse, death. This is due to both the nature of the job, as well as the long hours and conditions. Those issues are not new: building railroads has always been considered a dangerous occupation. In modern days, although safer, railroads’ work conditions are still a worry. Moving trains and high voltage electricity will always be a key part of the job, and one of the most dangerous aspects of it.
How to take appropriate precautions?
Track workers need to stay alert at an appropriate time of trains approaching. Some of those issues are easy to avoid. Taking adequate time to rest, and having enough workers at all times to keep focus, for instance, can help. In a lot of cases, awareness is a large factor. Indeed, following regulations is one of the first steps towards a safer workplace environment. Wearing bright clothes, having enough rest and communicating clearly can be the difference between an injury and death. But sometimes it is not enough. A number of systems exist and should be available in a danger zone to reduce risk to a minimum. This would allow workers to stay alert in many ways for every situation, and as soon as possible. Those solutions include visual, audio, and tactile alerts. The risk is always there, but lacking awareness and enough resources can only make the matter worse.

Our Automated Track Worker Safety (ATWS) System is your perfect railroad safety companion. It is lightweight and can adapt to any condition, to provide complete safety and peace of mind. The System provides different alarm solutions to help all kinds of workers, at any time. ATWS allows workers to carry certain warning devices on themselves or in their vehicles. With flashing lights, audio signaling, and vibrating alerts, it offers safety for the entire zone and allows one to always stay aware. All users need to do is to place stations at the start and end of the areas of concern. None of the parts of the system weigh more than a few kilos, this makes it easier to change location and adapt to many situations. From the moment danger starts to the moment it ends, the system will stay alert to protect you.