What are the Dangers of a Tsunami ?
A tsunami can happen quickly with little time for people to prepare. They can easily cause floods and loss of power. A tsunami in areas like the Indian Ocean can hit multiple countries if they have a lot of active tectonic plates around their land. This means that a tsunami from another country can hit the rural parts of Australia in only 2 hours. Some areas are more vulnerable, not only because of their locations but also because of the lack of protection.

How to take appropriate precautions?
There are ways to detect a Tsunami approaching. The bigger issue comes from staying aware long enough. During the 2018 tsunami in Sulawesi Indonesia for example, citizens were not alerted enough. The Indonesian agency of meteorology did create a warning but stopped it after only 30 minutes. Considering how powerful a natural disaster can be, changes happen quickly and awareness can save lives. The other issue came from people not receiving the alerts. The agency used text messages for the most part. During a natural disaster, communication can be difficult and often impossible. There were also no sirens on the beach to alert people.
Why Hazavoid?

Hazavoid offers fully wireless solutions for every area. Both the Hazavoid Wireless Alarm System (pictured above) and the Hazavoid Wireless Alert Beacon System also come with a backup battery and solar panels. This ensures they keep you alert and safe in any situation, even when power is not available. They can be paired together, as well as any other existing system to create the best protection for your needs. The systems can activate with a remote, making it easy and quick to alert as many people as possible. It is also possible to personalise the alarm tones and beacon colors. Hazavoid is a cost-friendly, complete solution for your safety, at all times.