What are the Dangers of Bridge Maintenance?
Bridges can be the source of many dangers. May it be due to the nature of the work itself, or because of the location, bridge work needs awareness and safety measures. Bridges require maintenance to remain safe and operational all year long. This process is similar to road work. This includes potential machinery issues, bad weather, natural disasters and other drivers. Weather issues such as thunderstorms can become even more dangerous depending on the location and activity one partakes in. With construction work for instance, there is an elevated risk by holding pipes and other metallic objects in the air. Evacuation can also be more difficult on bridges as the area of concern is the only one available to navigate.
How to take appropriate precautions?
There are many ways to stay alert on a bridge. It is important to always be mindful of the environment one will find themselves in. Clear communication between anyone involved and of any danger is essential. For instance, if one happens to work during the night, safety measures should involve bright visual cues. During the day, audio signaling may be a preferred way of communicating. One can limit risks by having a reliable safety system that does not rely on one source of power. In the case of a natural disaster or bad weather, cables and electricity are often the first to suffer. A wireless solution with a backup battery would minimise risks while allowing for constant protection.
Why Hazavoid?

Hazavoid offers fully wireless solutions, adaptable to previous infrastructures. Both the Hazavoid Wireless Alarm System (pictured above) and the Hazavoid Wireless Alert Beacon System come with a backup battery and solar panels. This allows them to protect and alert, regardless of the nature of the danger. Both solutions can be wall-mounted or pole-mounted. This is especially important in situations where visibility or accessibility can be unstable, such as on construction sites. Using a remote, it becomes easy to quickly activate the systems as soon as a threat is detected. It is possible to use pre-built tones such as “Evacuate” or customise one for any recurring issues like “Weather Alert”. The beacons of the WiLERT System are also useful to display danger levels for other workers around and update them, using Green to Red.