What are the dangers of a School Zone?
In NSW and the ACT, a school zone refers to the area surrounding schools. They are prone to more traffic as they allow for easy pick-ups and drop-offs. For this reason, they can become sources of risk due to the presence of so many people. All present may not be aware of others as much as they should be. This can be for various reasons: young children, preoccupied drivers, or bikers trying to reach a destination quickly. Dangers include collisions, crashes, and bodily harm.
How to take appropriate precautions?
The average school zone will include road signs and road markings. They are present to remind drivers to be as aware of their surroundings as possible. Taking every factor into consideration at all times can often be a difficult task. For this reason, certain zones may have a crossing supervisor. Not all do as it can often come at an expensive yearly cost. To avoid hazards as much as possible, adults within school zones must remain as aware as they can. This includes understanding the driving expectations and ease will differ from a regular road. For instance, there may be potential delays and traffic congestion as well as more elements than normal to be mindful of.

PANDA is a cost-efficient, comprehensive solution for all your school zone safety needs.