What are the dangers of an Equestrian Park?
An equestrian park needs a higher level of attention due to its nature. Their large sizes can often make them more dangerous. This is due to potential difficulties in communicating or exiting the area during an accident, for instance. Falling off a horse can easily happen and create a dangerous situation if not handled appropriately. Moreover, cars often drive in equestrian parks and can startle or cause stress to horses and riders if not attentive. Poor weather and natural disasters can also happen quickly and cause grave hazards.
How to take appropriate precautions?
A safety plan should always be in place. It is essential staff members revise it as often as possible. Moreover, it should be updated whenever necessary. Riders and other visitors of the equestrian park must be aware of the safety measures in place. They should also always have access to a detailed plan of the entire park in the case of an emergency. Awareness and communication are key factors to safety in these scenarios.

The Panda System is a comprehensive pedestrian and driver alert system. Its various components allow for fast and easy activation and mass communication. Using both road-side and in-road flashing beacons, awareness is raised within seconds. This weatherproof solution allows for continuous peace of mind no matter the situation. Easily place our components on existing signs or ask us to customise new ones entirely for you. Signs go from passive to active and allow for easier movement. Cars obtain a reminder of the speed limit in your equestrian park. Riders, on the other hand, will have queues as to where they are to never get lost.