What are the dangers of Queensland Roads?
There has been an increase in fatalities on Queensland roads since the beginning of the pandemic. The state is about to reach its highest road-related death toll in ten years. More than 170 people have died on Queensland roads this year alone. This is already 14 more than compared to July of last year. Lack of awareness is one of the main concerns regarding this recent rise in figures. It was reported many do not feel concerned by the dangers on the road. This issue stems from the idea that bad things only happen to others which is untrue.
How to take appropriate precautions?
Awareness is key towards safety in the context of road dangers. Police believes the rise in accidents may be due to pandemic spending, encouraging people to go out of their way to travel more. This rush in action makes drivers less aware of their surroundings. This unfortunately causes many collusions as well as for some drivers to exit the roads. Queensland has organised Queensland Road Safety Week, happening this week between the 22nd and the 26th of August. This initiative allows to provide reminders towards road safety and start a conversation on how we can all be more careful.

The Panda System is a comprehensive pedestrian and driver alert system. The solution focuses on bringing better awareness for all by utilising Road-side and In-road beacons. The panda components are able to fit on top of existing signs. This allows to make them go from passive to active. Doing so creates easier to notice safety signs in order to raise awareness at all times. The In-road lights serve a similar purpose and assist the signs by reminding drivers something needing their attention is near.