Why a Fine?
Two Victoria companies received fines for a total of $50,000. A worker’s arm was unfortunately caught in a machine. This resulted in life-altering injuries such as a dislocated elbow and nerve crushing. The reason behind this injury, and therefore the fine, was the companies’ failure to provide a safe workplace. The worker tried to inspect a potential issue with a head drum powering a conveyor belt. While doing this, his right arm got stuck. The only reason the man got help was that another worker heard his cry for help.
How to take appropriate precautions?
Companies know that conveyors cause entanglements and crushing of body parts. This implies they know of the many risks in the field. They did not take the precautions necessary to avoid injuries, which led to a fine. Duty of care should always be a priority to uphold. Employers must provide a safety plan to employees. This plan must be up to date, and workers should have the training to ensure they are knowledgeable. It is also essential for companies to reduce as many risks as possible.
Communication is key in these scenarios. An alert system can provide better peace of mind and save workers from injuries.
Why Hazavoid?

Hazavoid offers fully wireless solutions: the Hazavoid Wireless Alarm System (pictured above) and the Hazavoid Wireless Alert Beacon System come with a backup battery and solar panels.
Hazavoid systems allow raising awareness for all those within a zone of concern. The WiLAS System provides users with loud tones that they can customise. This allows for accurate communication every single time. Simply carry the remote control at any time to always be ready. The WiLERT System allows to communicate with flashing beacons. Activation devices include passive and active. Users can choose to use a remote as well as sensors. This allows for constant awareness, no matter where and when.